Southland Community services

There are friendly people in the deep South. So, access to community organisations and service is good across the region, but particularly in Invercargill.
Looking for general community services information?

Public/Government services

Tax department

You can contact Inland Revenue (IR) online, by phone or in person in several locations across the Southland region.  For a personal appointment contact IR first by phone. 

Everyone moving to New Zealand permanently will need a tax number, called an IRD number. This is a 8-9 digit code that is unique to you. Find out more on the IRD website.

Contact us | Inland Revenue

IRD numbers | Inland Revenue

NZ Post

To find your nearest postshop or Kiwibank use this site. You can also find other information about postal services here

Postshop/Kiwibank locator

Local councils

For many local services, you can check or inquire with the local council nearest you.

Invercargill City Council

Gore District Council

Southland District Council

Family services

Use this directory to locate and contact support in the Southland region for services relating to addiction, basic needs, disaster recovery, education and training, employment, ethnic services, family violence, health, mentors, legal and civil services, mental health, parenting and caregiving, special needs and disability, youth services and ISO capability.

Family Services Southland | Family Services directory


OUTLineNZ  is a free, nationwide specialist helpline and  counselling service offering support for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people and for people questioning their gender identity/sexual orientation.  It is staffed by trained volunteers, and qualified counsellors also offer affordable face to face counselling at OUTLineNZ’s  Auckland office or via skype.

Phone for free 0800 688 5463


Community networks

Community Connect Southland has a list of community groups in the region

Community Access Radio

Community Access Radio is a local radio station that is run by members of the community. Programmes are hosted by individuals or community groups, and are broadcast in their language about their interests. Tune in to listen, or plan to broadcast your own show.

Radio Southland 96.4 FM

New Zealand Newcomers Network

The New Zealand Newcomers Network is a network of groups throughout New Zealand welcoming newcomers and offering range of fun social events and activities. The events are a great way to meet new people, find out about local activities, and get connected with your local community. Anyone can join – and membership is free.

Southland | Newcomers Network 


Neighbourhood support contacts

Check this website to find a neighbourhood support group in your area. There is also a link to some information for newcomers in simplified Chinese.

Neighbourhood support

New Zealand Police advice for new arrivals

On this site you will find information about the Police and crime prevention advice for newcomers in 12 different languages.

Police - new arrivals

Police contacts

Use this site to find out where your nearest police station is and the name of the Pacific and ethnic liaison officer for this region

NZ Police Communities

Fire service

Find out about your local fire service by using this site

Southland Fire Stations | NZ Fire Service

Women's refuge

If you are a woman and need information or help from Women's Refuge use this site to find out who you can call

Get help | Women's Refuge

Shakti offers a crisis call number (0800SHAKTI) and safe houses around the country for migrant and refugee women who are experiencing domestic violence.

Shakti is a national not-for-profit community organisation specialising in the area of women’s development, domestic/ family violence intervention, prevention and awareness. They provide culturally competent support services for women, children and families of Asian, African and Middle Eastern origin.

Shakti New Zealand 

Labour Inspectorate - migrant exploitation

Labour inspectors work with employers and employees to make sure that employment laws are applied properly in workplaces. 

If you think that you have not been treated fairly at work, you can contact Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) Labour inspectors on 0800 20 90 20.

Labour inspectors | MBIE 

Civil Defence Emergency information

Check this site for important local information about what to do in an emergency. 

The New Zealand Government created the Get Ready website with information about what to do in many types emergencies.

Southland civil defence | Civil Defence E.M.G.

Get Ready


Bus service

The public bus services in Invercargill is called Bus Smart. See this site for routes, timetables and fares

Invercargill Bus info | Invercargill city council


Southland has a strong on-going commitment to cycling, with a free Velodrome in Invercargill and the annual Tour of Southland Cycle Classic recognised as one of New Zealand's premier cycle events. For information about cycling in Southland see this site.

Cycling information | Cycling Southland


Go to this council site to find out about parking in Invercargill

Invercargill parking | Invercargill city council

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